Tag Archives: Helicopter

Santa’s Elves Worked Hard On This One!


If you follow my Facebook page, you may have noticed how big and fun my blogging day was yesterday…

First, I was featured with as a guest blogger on Randee’s Organized Chaos!  This was my first time, and was very cool.  I hope you check it out, I have a few new projects on there that I haven’t blogged about yet, and would love for you to see!  I will be blogging on the how-to’s soon (today I want to show you something different).

Then later in the day, I found my Dream Big project was featured as a favorite on AKA Design!!  This is HUGE for me!!  I am SO thrilled.  Check out their blog, they are so talented, and Canadian!

I also found a blog hop on Momma’s Like Me.  If you’re a blogger, and would like to participate, it happens on Wednesdays, and is a very cool idea.  Even if you aren’t a blogger, it’s a neat thing to check out and visit, and maybe follow, all sorts of blogs.  I’ve mentioned Lacee from Momma’s Like Me before, on my post about Smoothies!

Also by the time I went to bed last night, I surpassed 50 followers!!  Whoohoo!  I know this isn’t a big number to some, but for me, it makes me very happy!  So welcome to everyone, and I really hope you love what you read.  Thank you so much for the support!

Lastly, you may or may not have read, that my 7-year-old son has fallen in love.  With Abby.  Yes, he loves my table named Abby.  Therefore, Abby is no longer for sale.  She has made her way into our lives!

Okay, so now that I’ve finished gushing, I want to get on to today’s topic.  Before Christmas, I put out a plea on all social media for help.  My 3-year-old daughter asked Santa for a pink helicopter.  Anytime anyone asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she said in her very determined voice, “pink helicopter”.  When we went to see Santa and he asked what she wanted, she said “pink helicopter”.  Obviously, we didn’t want her Santa-spirit broken, so we needed to find a pink helicopter.  Do you know there’s no pink helicopters anywhere???  In fact, it was hard to find any helicopters at all!  We finally found a Lego helicopter, but really, I wasn’t about to paint every piece of Lego pink!

Finally, a friend found something for us, about a week before Christmas.  She found a helicopter model, made of Balsa Wood.  Good enough!!

So very lucky for me, my parents took our 2 older kids for a night, and I had the chance to get this helicopter together… it took a really long time!  First I built it, to figure it out, and took it apart again to paint it.  First though, I found some adorable scrapbooking paper from my huge collection,

…traced out the tail of the helicopter, and decoupaged it on.

The rest I painted with pink craft paint from the dollar store, and some parts were also painted with Martha Stewart pink glitter paint.  The glitter paint is adorable, but for some reason gives off a bit of a yellow hue.  Oh well, still cute!

After all the paint and ModgePodge had dried, I rebuilt it again, with some of hubby’s strong glue to hold the pieces together.

When I asked her Christmas night how she liked her gift from Santa, she said, “I like it…but…maybe I would like a blue helicopter instead….maybe made out of Lego.”

Seriously child??  “Oh, honey, if only you knew how hard Santa’s elves worked on this helicopter!”

Thanks for reading!

~ Leanne

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