Tag Archives: funny movies

3 Films in a 10 Day YOU Challenge


It’s Friday!!  It’s a little strange-feeling around here today… Jordan’s home with a cold, Anna’s in preschool, Elissa is sleeping TONS so far today, it’s snowing outside, and my hubby is gone.  😦  It’s just one of those days when I’m not sure exactly what to do with myself, because everything is “wrong”.  Oh, well, I always have my blog!  So here I am to talk about my 3 films!

10 day challenge

When I realized this morning my topic this week was 3 films, I panicked a little.  I NEVER remember the names of films, even the ones that have a large impact on me.  So I decided to make it easy on myself and do one film that makes me laugh, one that makes me cry, and one that’s great for the family.

(to read: my 10 secrets here, 9 loves here, 8 fears here, 7 wants here, 6 places here, 5 foods here, 4 books here.)

1.  One that makes me cry:  Philadelphia with Tom Hanks.  Tom Hanks is already my all time favorite actor.  It’s like I can see his soul in his eyes, and his emotions become my emotions.  I love every movie that guy is in.  The first time I saw Philadelphia, I was in my teens, and saw it with completely the wrong crowd, so I didn’t enjoy it the first time around, but I have watched it many times since.  This movie is not for everyone.  Tom Hanks plays a homosexual man with Aids, and his fired from his job because of it.  He takes them to court, and battles his ex-employees.  I don’t want to do a spoiler, so I won’t say anymore, but Tom Hanks is amazing and moving and emotional in this movie, and I can’t watch it without doing the ugly cry for him.

2.  One that makes me laugh:  The Wedding Singer with Adam Sandler.  Again, another guy who I love in everything he does.  And this movie makes me howl with laughter.  And the soundtrack is so much fun.  I once watched it with my dad though, and introduced it as “I LOVE this movie”.  Ya, bad idea.  AWKWARD!

3.  One that’s great for the family:  This is a tie between Tangled and How to Train Your Dragon.  Both have adorable and lovable characters, and a great plot.  And we have watched both many, many….many times.

And I know I’m not asked for it, but can I include my favorite TV series?  You may have already noticed I like movies/shows/books that create extreme emotions in me.  And I LOVE thrills, suspense, and the right amount of gore.  If you don’t like any of the 3 above, then you won’t appreciate this show at all, but if you love all of it, and amazing acting to go with it, you’ll love The Walking Dead.   We are addicted to this series, and we can’t get enough.  When hubby first introduced it to me, I was highly sceptical, I mean, come on, Zombies?!  But I was hooked from the start.  Try it!  Let me know if you do!

Thanks so much for reading!  Share with me your favorite movies!!!

xo, Leanne

***  Please remember my URL switch happens NEXT TUESDAY!!  Please watch my blog posts around that time for any instructions, and to find out about my GIVEAWAY!  🙂  ***