Every Child Is An Artist

Every Child Is An Artist

Monday!  Do you love Mondays, or do they make you groan?  I love the back to school part, but not the waking up early, making lunch, rush off to school part.  Often Monday mornings when I’m driving them to school, I look in my review mirror, and see Jordan hasn’t done his hair, and they both have Nutella on their faces from breakfast.  Woops!  🙂

We had an awesome weekend, especially Saturday.  We went down into the States to visit the Costco in Bellingham, then went to the town of Lynden.  I love that place.  It is a quaint town, very Dutch (my heritage is Dutch) and full of antique shops and consignment stores.  I love, love, love the fact that my hubby and my kids love antiquing and thrifting as much as I do!  So fun digging through treasures with the kids…. and showing them what kind of phone mommy and daddy used to use when we were kids.  Gulp.  Those are in antique shops already?!?

Anyways, today I want to show off show you a favorite project of mine.

"Every Child Is An Artist"


My kids create masterpieces, and the only place I have been showing them off so far is on the fridge… our fridge is getting a little crowded!  One day while window shopping in Fort Langley, I spied something like this, and have been waiting for the right spot that was worthy of making it for.  So when Abby took up residence in the corner of our living room, the time had come to make it.

From the free scrapwood we collected from Rona, I picked the size needed, and painted it this cool graphite black… I’m sorry, I don’t remember the name of this paint.  I purchased it off a paint chip at Rona on a whim for my desk re-do, and didn’t keep the chip. I did 2 coats of paint.

Then I found this website called www.Picnik.com.  I am in love with this site, and am in mourning, as they are closing it down in April.  😦  No idea why, but it is very, very sad.  On picnik, I chose my font, and came up with this,

If you follow my facebook page, you would have seen this already… betcha didn’t know where I was going with it though, right?  🙂  (to view a tutorial on how to do this, visit this blog here.)

I then colored the back with yellow crayon for a transfer method...

(to see a better tutorial on my transfer method, please see my post here.)

...cut out each word, placed it on the board and taped into place...

..traced the words, with crayon transfering the letters onto the board, and painted in the words...

For painting the words on, I used a product from Michaels, called Sharpie Poster Paint.  It looks like a Sharpie felt, and works amazing.  I’ve used the same one for a bunch of different projects now, and haven’t run out…. and soooo much faster than using a paintbrush!  Awesome.  (and no, I wasn’t paid to say this, I just love it SO much!)

... I then measured the centre, and 4 inches in from each side, for placing of the nails (I wanted 3 nails)...

...hubby used a drill to make little holes for the nails (wanted to make sure the nails didn't go through the board!)...

...added the nails.... I ended up taking the nails out and adding hot glue to them before replacing them for staying power, in case the kids yank at them...

... hung it up, added 3 alligator clips and artwork, and ta-da!! Love!

The third piece of artwork isn’t hung in some of these posts, the kids were getting real antsy at this point, and I just needed to take some pictures and get it done!  Ahh, real life.

...so what do you think???...

Do you love it as much as I do??

Do you love it?  Check out my For Sale Page  for more info!

thanks for reading!!

~ Leanne

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