7 Wants in A 10 Day YOU Challenge.

7 Wants in A 10 Day YOU Challenge.

7 Wants in a 10 Day You Challenge.  Well, this one is dangerous.  I have many, many, many wants.  I know in my head they are wants, not neccessarily needs, but some days, it doesn’t really feel true.  In fact, some does I am completely serious that all of these are needs!  Especially currently, when my blog changeover isn’t going as smoothly as hoped, and my house feels smaller and dirtier than ever… the dog just got a grooming, and it’s always the worst after that, because his hair sheds as he runs around.  Yuck.

But I did have a great morning.  It was just what I needed.  The kids had a day off from school today, so I packed them all up and headed to my home town for a Pampered Chef party at my friend’s home.  It was a beautiful drive, we counted 8 bald eagles, 2 blue herons, and 3 birds my son swears is a white-tailed-black-spotted-bellied-hawk.  I doubt he’s right, but I don’t know any better, so I won’t argue!  Had a great time visiting old friends, seeing my mom, and eating yummy treats (thank Sandra!  🙂 )… it was just what I needed after a couple nights of staying up till midnight trying to figure out my new blog site… I had no idea it would be so over my head!  Hopefully it’ll all be worth it!

Okay, so my 7 needs:  oops, Wants:

1.  I want to win the lottery, or for someone to give us lots of money.  Lots.  Enough to pay off the little bit of debt we have accumulated, get a new car so we don’t have to worry that ours might break down on us any day, fix up our house exactly the way we want it (or enough $ to buy us a newer house!), and enough to give us a great back yard.  We have 1/4 acre here, which is awesome, except we never have enough $$ to do something great with it, so often it feels a little useless.

2.  I want out house to always be clean.  Especially my floors.  3 years ago we put in these drop dead gorgeous deep brown harwood floors.  They are gorgeous.  Whe they are clean.  And they are only clean if no on else is home after I’ve washed them.  As soon as someone walks on them, they are dirty already.  Especially if you have a crawling baby… or someone wears the same socks they did yesterday.  I am often checking out the footprints, figure out who’s they are, and demand they change their socks.  If the socks have a little bit of sweat, oil, anything, it shows.  All dust shows.  Every spill smears along with anyone who walks on that spot, if it wasn’t cleaned up with the exact method thaat I demand, because that is the only method that works.  Very, very, annoying.

3.  I want my baby to stop growing.  She is the most amazing little baby ever, and I just wish she could stay a baby, so she could stay this personality forever.

4.  I want to travel more.  I got most of the travel bug out of my system when I was a flight attendant, but it would be really nice to be able to go somewhere warm once in awhile, since it rains almost every day here.

5.  I want to move out of this town.  This town is fine, but it’s a little too industrial, a little too busy for me.  I’d love to live in the country again, with safe roads, and close to the river.  I loved where we lived growing up, on a dairy farm… we did run into bears a fair bit when we went on walks, but that’s as dangerous as it got!  LOL!

6.  I want to see my friends more.  This probably is more of a need, but with all of us being in the baby making stages, getting kids to and from school stages, and many of my friends working full time jobs, I really don’t get to see them often.  And almost never without kids.  And seriously, what kind of conversation can you have when you’re busy wiping snot and dirty bums in the meantime!

7.  I want more space.  I want space for us to all have our hobbies and loves, without inconveniencing the whole family by it overtaking the whole house.  Space to store things, space to move around, space to ride bikes without fearing some crazy person on the road will hit us, space without traffic and noise, space for my kids to make noise without giving me a headache.

I know there’s not a #8, but I’d really like computers not to be so confusing!  I don’t know if I’ve explained it well enough, but I’m trying to change my blog over from WordPress.com, to WordPress.org.  Mainly because one day if my blog grows well enough, I’d like to have a few adds on my blog, to make a wee bit of income off of it.  But it turns out that I can’t do it on the .com site.  I have to self host it on the .org site.  Which means e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. needs to be transfered over manually, by a girl who know nothing about computers, and a hubby who is a computer programmer, but doesn’t speak bloggy language.  There’s really no rush, but niave little me thought it would happen easily in one evening (because of course, that’s what they tell ya), and didn’t realize how intense and detailed it would be.  And obsessive little me wants it done immediately, for absolutely no reason at all excpet to get it done!  Oh well, I’ll get there!

I’m looking forward to a great little evening with the inlaws tonight, and a relaxing weekend with the family, and wait for the library to call me to tell me the “WordPress for Dummies” book is in, waiting for me!

Share with me some of your wants!  I’d love to know them!

Have a great weekend, and thanks for reading!

~ Leanne


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