9 Loves in a 10 day challenge


So today I get to tell you my 9 Loves.  This is a continuation of the 10 Day You Challenge (for me it’ll be 10 week challenge!)

(to see my 10 secrets, visit here)

My 9 Loves

1.  God and my faith in God.  Seriously, in the really good times in my life, and in the really, really bad times in my life, I could see His hand in everything I did, every stitch of my life, and I am so, so grateful for where I am in my life right now.

2.  My husband.  I truly have the best husband.  He is a wise man, a moral man, and a kind and intelligent man.  He treats me wonderfully, and he loves the kids completely.  He is a hands on husband and dad, and he can read my cues when I’m about to freak, and sends me for a “time out”.   And I love that he works for home 90% of the time, so I can call on him whenever I need him!

3.  My kids.  I know, this probably all sounds cheesy, but really, can you blame me?  😉  I have some pretty seriously cute kids.  They are smart and so funny.  Jordan is kind, and crazy about dinosaurs, Anna sparkles and loves food, Elissa is just a superstar.  There are many times in my day when I think I am so ready to be done with this stage in my life, and then one of them does or says something amazing, and I wonder, will it really be any easier when they are teenagers?  (don’t answer that!)

4.  Hawaii.  I have travelled many places, and Hawaii for me is the place I feel most at peace.  It is the home for my soul.  The warmth, the smells, love, love, love.  I haven’t been there though since 2001, and I miss it so much.  Hubby has never been.  One day we will go together.  Maybe buy a house there.  🙂

5.  Reading.  I love reading a great book.  I love how the world around me can disappear when I’m reading one, and I don’t care that the laundry is piling up, or there’s no more clean dishes, or the bathrooms need some serious scrubbing, or that my hubby is rolling his eyes at me.  My favorite authors are Phillipa Gregory for all her realistic and romantic stories about the historical English royalty, and if I need a good and gruesome thriller, I read Dean Koontz, seriously freaky.  We once hit up about 20 of his books at a Thrift store for pennies a piece – we basically have his library here!

6.  Autumn.  It is my favorite season.  (I know, doesn’t really match with Hawaii, does it?  But Hawaii has the breeze… I love the breeze.)  When it’s not too hot, it’s not too cold, you can get away with just wearing a sweater… my favorite thing to do at that time of year is going to the Greater Vancouver Zoo.  There’s so many trees, the smells of the leaves are awesome, and all the animals are out to say hello!

7.  Lobster.  Ohhh, I love eating lobster.  Once on a lay over in Halifax Nova Scotia, we rented a car and drove over to PEI.  While we were watching the fishermen bring in their catch, one fisherman invited us over for dinner!  How could we resist?  (I know, coulda been creepy, but there were 5 of us, we figured it would be okay).  Boy, was it amazing, lobster, muscles and crab, straight from the ocean!

8.  Food.  Yes, I will admit it again out loud.  I do love eating good food.  I see myself in my daughter, she reports her day by the food she ate.  “Anna, how was your day?”  “Great!  I had chocolate toast for breakfast (nutella), and carrots and a smoothie and crackers for lunch (her favorite lunch)… oh, and mommy let me have fruit gummies…”

9.  Creating.  I need creative outlets.  When I had my spa business, I went wild with creating new spa products, building a soap and lotion line, re-creating my spa brochures and website over and over (did I mention my hubby is a computer geek?), and eventually I created a new name for my business.  When I became a stay at home mom, it was exactly what I wanted to do, but I was going crazy not having anything to create!  And then I was introduced to all the things I could do from the blogosphere, and because it wasn’t enough just to do them, I had to create a blog to write about them, and now did you hear?  I just created a Facebook Page 😉  I’ll see you there!  🙂

Thank you so much for reading!  This blog was supposed to be me documenting my diys and renovations and paint colors, things like that… not really a reach-into-my-soul-and-figure-out-what-makes-me-tick sort of thing… but I hope you enjoy it anyways?!  What are some of your loves, what makes you tick?

If you are just visiting my blog, thanks for visiting!  I love comments, and I love, love new followersto follow and receive my postings by email, just find the spot at the top right hand corner where it invites you to add your email.

I’d also love for my readers to click on “Like” (below) if you liked today’s post, and of course give me your comments, anytime!  Just click below where it says “Leave a Comment”.  Thanks!!

I’m partying here!

4 responses »

  1. We have so many similar loves – that’s cool. I just read a great book – one I couldn’t put down and was a bit creepy in a thriller sort of way – called- Before I wake up. You should check it out!

    • Isn’t crazy? We rarely get much time to talk.. and here we are so much alike without even knowing it?! I’m gonna have to check out that book you recommended!! I’ll see if the library has it – thanks for that!

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